Let me introduce myself and this website.
My name is Ivan. I’m just an ordinary guy living in Prague, Czech Republic. I’m fond of computers, humans, information, nature and everything related including old hardware, modern computer science (though I hardly am too much of an expert in the latter), UX, fintech, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, spirituality, health and medical science (neuroscience especially), swift learning (and teaching), customer communications, team management, HR, hospitality and travel industry.
I have first tried blogging about a decade ago but it turned out that I had no idea what could I share this way so I’ve ended up with a blog of just 2 posts (one explaining fractals to children and the other including DLCR pictures of a cat I’ve stumbled upon in the Internet) and I didn’t post anything else ever after.
Some time ago I have realized that nowadays it happens every now and then that I stumble upon something in the Internet, in books, in my life or in my own mind what I would like to make a written note of and don’t mind sharing with whoever interested so I’ve decided to start a blog once again. I have considered a number of platforms but neither seemed matching my idea: Medium is for long posts while I prefer (both to read and to write) as concise and short texts as possible, WordPress costs money if you want to customize it and has seemingly grown too complex in its inside during the recent years, Blogger seems a way too primitive, Twitter post length restrictions are a way too harsh and you can’t edit your posts there. So I’ve chosen GitHub Pages and hacked the default theme to suit the format of my vision fairly well (the only thing I actually miss with GitHub pages is embedding YouTube/Vimeo videos in my posts, I really hope they are going to bring iframes support back or introduce another sort of workaround).
By nature I tend to be more of a generalist than a specialist and love learning small (but useful preferably) curious things about whatever so this isn’t going to be a single-subject blog. I also love to correct and expand what I write so any of the reasonably complex posts (this one included, I probably am going to add more details about myself and structure them better so anybody interested might get a better clue on what kind of person I am and how can we be of interest to each other) has chances to change a lot (being corrected and/or expanded) with time - might it happen that a post attracts your attention and seems useful revisiting it occasionally may be a good idea.