If you immediatley know the candle light is fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago…
I share random things I find curious here (thoughts, news, pieces of knowledge etc.). I use to update, correct and expand old posts so if you find something interesting revisit it occasionally perhaps. You can learn more about me by the "About" link in the top menu. You may also fork the theme as I've changed its functionality a lot ut it still is under active construction as well as the site itself.
Metformin may actually cause vitamin B12 deficiency
About 30% of the people taking metformin develop vitamin B12 deficiency. Calcium supplementation may reverse this (vitamin B12 absorption depends on calcium) but this has not been scientifically proven.
Mind-muscle connection is real and important
The “mind-muscle connection” phenomenon has been scientfically proven to exist and be significant. Focusing on using a particular muscle when doing an exercise can actually boost the muscle load.
Mold mycotoxins may cause chronic fatigue, infertility and other health issues
One should never eat any amount of foods touched by mold. Even it has just a tiny patch of mold. Even if it’s a slice of bread (or whatever) taken from the same package with a mold-touched slice but looking perfectly clean. Even if you toast it. It still can has serious chances of being contaminated with mycotoxins that can cause chronic fatigue, infetility and other health issues. But this doesn’t apply to mold found on the kinds of cheese meant to contain it.
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